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17 Followers. Hey there, I have been an avid reader here for a number of years, and have submitted a few stories - but none recently. I would welcome the opportunity to assist . updated 06/12/2023. 11 Followers. Passionate and experienced editor with a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. Clever sunny 540 alternative.
1 Followers. A writer in different genre aside from erotica. Trying to improve my skills in different fields to write a more wonderful stories and novels. FIND AN EROTIC FICTION EDITOR. Editors: Click Here to find out how you can be a part of the program and help writers improve their writing.
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Search: You can search the editor list if you are looking for someone specific. FIND AN EROTIC FICTION EDITOR. Hi, Ben here. Looking forward to help you on your writing journey. I usually focus on plot lines, continuity and flow. 1 Followers. A Dutch guy who knows his way around words. Glad to help out with polishing your story or check something out. I'm a licensed English teacher. Dolly buster kino.Da Wippen und das Stöhnen würde von leisen „oh ja” Wortfetzen begleitet. Aber die Wut, die ich fühlte, bremste mich.
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